Sam the Sentient: Introducing the Future Rap Prodigy

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In a world over saturated with rap artist, it can be difficult to stand out from the pack. Everyday thousands of songs are released and new recording artist make their way onto the music scene.

The Fleet Mag came across one rapper that has a flow and style so unique that he is destined to be the next headlining act, sooner than later. This extraordinary recording artist delivers the full package; superb storytelling lyrics, head bobbing beats, the ability to control a crowd, and a swag that drips success.

Celebrity reporters MzMinah BrownDivah and Megastar had the opportunity to sit down with Sam the Sentient for an in studio interview. Check out what the Illinois native had to say about his God given gift of music, what drives him to succeed, and how he incorporates living with Asperger Syndrome into his music to spread positive vibes around the globe.

Sam the Sentient was born and raised in Skokie, Illinois. He was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at the age of 4, which is on the autism spectrum. Unlike many, this young man perceives Asperger Syndrome not as a disability, but a gift. Researchers have found that people within the autism spectrum have a heightened since of creativity, and this has allowed Sam the Sentient to create music on a level that is untouched by many of today’s recording artist.

Growing up Sam the Sentient was always involved in music and a member of the school band from elementary through high school. After he mastered the craft of being a musician, he transitioned to creating his own beats and writing lyrics. At the age of 12, Sam was a profound rapper and by the time he reached high school he knew being a recording artist was the career path for him.

Sam the Sentient describes his music as, “Lyrical, conscious, and soulful, hip hop, rap music.” He uses a complex creative process to produce the hottest tracks for fans. He stated, “My creative process involves a plethora of things. Sometimes when I hear a beat I record a float track over it. It’s basically me flowing without rapping or singing any words. Sometimes I’ll sing a melody and record the chorus first. Usually it starts with me catching inspiration from the music itself.”

With songs like “Face That,” “Stay Focused,” and “Aspie Power,” Sam the Sentient displays his unique style in the vocal arrangements, lyrics, and beats of each song. His live performances are simply amazing as well. He has the natural ability to capture the attention of his audience and involve them into his performances while thoroughly entertaining them.

“I feel like my voice is an instrument and not just in the melodies of my voice but in the cadence of it, and the inflection, the tone. I feel like I really resonate the music on a musical scale and I just kind of let God and the creative spirit guide me through the process,” said Sam.

Sam the Sentient credits his parents and mentor for his success. Over the years he’s been a part of the arts ambassador program, MC School. His mentor, Phenom, is the CEO of the organization and he’s played a major role in helping Sam develop his performance skills as an MC. Sam is grateful to have Phenom as his mentor. He feels the impact of having his mentor has made him more confident in writing songs and performing as well.

Sam the Sentient’s gift of music has earned him the opportunity to perform on some huge stages including Fenway Park and Lollapalooza. To stay grounded, he follows a schedule to balance his business and personal life. He also made an audio recording of his mission and vision statement that he listens to on a daily basis. It sets the foundation of the goals he strive to accomplish each day. Sam is a strong believer in the phrase, “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” This is the reason he spends so much time practicing and honing his musical skills. He prides himself in always being ready to perform spontaneously upon request.

MzMinah BrownDivah, Sam the Sentient, Megastar

Sam the Sentient uses his platform as a recording artist to raise awareness not only for himself, but the entire autism community. “A lot of times culture and society can put autistic people in a box and limit them to stereotypes and certain misconceptions. What I want to do as an independent artist, and as someone who puts himself out who’s vocal and in touch with who he is and the art form, is to show people that autistic people are capable of being social and doing great things”.

Music has been therapeutic for Sam the Sentient throughout his life. He uses music as a source of inspiration as well as an outlet to release frustration when he encounters issues. He admits, like many recording artist, he sometimes feels discouraged and thoughts come to mind that no one is hearing his music, but his parents have been there from day one encouraging and guiding him along the way.

Sam the Sentient is on path to have an exceptional career in the music industry. Each time he takes the stage he follows the words that his mentor Phenom once told him, “When MC’s go onstage it’s not necessarily for the onlookers, it’s about the connection with the craft and your connection to God.”

Sam the Sentient – Stay Focused

Sam the Sentient – Face That

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For booking:

Interview by: Celebrity Reporters – Megastar & MzMinah BrownDivah

Written by: Janice “JP” Pritchett

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